Friday, September 26, 2014

Blog Readers

During my search for my choice of Blog Reader I explored Digg Reader, NewsBlur, Feedly, Bloglovin, and Tumblr.  The one I least liked was DiggReader because I could not search any blog unless I sign up.  I also disliked NewBlur because the home page is more for marketing, I did not think it was user friendly.  Feedly and Bloglovin were good contenders.  Both are nicely organized and easy to navigate.  I did like the way they present the blogs, but I ultimately chose to use Tumblr because it is most visually appealing to me.  I liked the overall presentation of the blogs in boxes.  I like that you can add any visual to the blog.  The short videos or video exerts give the blog more personality.

I chose to follow the following Blogs:

The blog is created by a librarian, Joshua Beatty.  He has written many criticism of the 2000 ACRL Standards and the new draft Framework for Information Literacy.  Beatty's posts are interesting he has many ideas to share.

This blog is great for all book lovers.  I like the quote use in the personal description, "When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left I buy food and clothes.'' I also like the other blog post.  Specially the Ban this book post.

The blog created by Jennifer Parson, a librarian from a library consortium from the American Midwest.  Parson is a self proclaimed book nerd.  She post interesting findings and is open to for anyone to ask her any question to help.

This blog is helpful to find elementary school library ideas and more.  I like this blog because it has a variety of information and I like the quotes used in the blogs.

This blog is a nostalgic remembrance of the past.  The creator of the blog looks back on the books he read when young.  I choose this blog because I want to see the difference in books from the past to the books students are reading now in days.

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