Saturday, September 20, 2014

Where teens seek online privacy advice.

Lenhart, A.  Where teens seek online privacy advice. Pew Research Center’s Internet & Life Project.  Web. 19 Sept. 2014. <>.

In the report, Where teens seek online privacy advice, the report interviewed teenagers ages ranging from 12 - 17.  The results state that teens seek online privacy advice mostly from friends and peers, 42%.  Secondly ranked, teens consult with their parents for online privacy advice, 41%.

I was surprised at the report's findings.  Even though some teenagers say or seem more independent they still rely on their parents' input.  The investigation separated the results by gender.  75% of female seek online privacy advice from any source including parents.  Compared to 66% of male that seek online privacy advice from any source including parents.  These results were interesting to me.  It made me think about if females are more cautious on the information they display on their online profiles or posts.  Are women more cautious with online information?

17 page report

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